

Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Substance: Methenolone Enanthate
Package: 100 mg/amp. (10 amp.)

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PRIMOPRIME (Methenolone Enanthate) 100mg/ml 10ml vial
Methenolone (more commonly known as Primobolan and Primobol, Nibal) – an anabolic steroid derivative of dihydrotestosterone with weak androgenic activity and a moderate anabolic effect. Available in tablets (Primobolan) and injectable (Primobolan Depot). Many athletes were compared for effectiveness and Masteron Primobolan.Primobolan Depot – injectable form of the drug, which is an ester of methenolone enanthate. The injectable form has a duration of action (due to the gradual transition of the preparation of the muscles in the blood), approximately two weeks. For the duration of action of Primobolan Depot is similar to Testosterone enanthate. The main disadvantage of this form is painful injections. Less frequent injection acetate with short half-life of about two days.Oral Primobolan – methenolone form of tablets (methenolone acetate), has a much smaller period (about 5 hours). Primobolan tablets have a higher price. A distinctive feature of the tablet form – no toxic effect on the liver, in contrast to most other forms of oral steroids.

Estimating overall methenolone two forms, most preferred the injectable form, due to the lower cost and more uniform intake of the active substance in blood. Moreover, some of the tablets Primobolan destroyed in the liver.

The steroid profile

    • Anabolic activity – 88% of the testosterone
    • Androgenic activity – 44% of testosterone
    • Aromatization (conversion to estrogen) – No
    • Toxicity to the liver – Weak
    • A method of receiving – by mouth (tablets) and injection
    • The half-life – 5-20 hours in tablets; Days 4-7 injections
    • Detection time – up to 100 days (tablets), injections 6 months

Effects of Primobolan

The anabolic effect of Primobolan is quite mild and comparable to the deck, so this drug is most often used during the drying cycle, where the main aim is not a set of muscle mass and its preservation. Methenolone has minimal rollback phenomenon, however, many athletes are dissatisfied with the results obtained after a course of Primobolan solo, if the goal was set of muscle mass.

Primobolan – side effects

Primobolan (both forms) can not be converted into estrogen, which is one of the main benefits of the drug.As a result, you can take Primobolan without risk of developing gynecomastia and edema. Although gynecomastia may be indicated in some instructions.

Primobolan slightly reduces production of testosterone. Its overwhelming impact of weaker than testosterone and nandrolone. Studies show that Primobolan rate at a dose of 40 mg (oral) suppresses testosterone levels by an average of 50%. A significant reduction in endogenous testosterone production is only observed at long courses with high doses of the drug. In these cases, during the course of the application of gonadotropin required, otherwise possible testicular atrophy.

Methenolone is virtually raising bad cholesterol. The drug had no significant effect on blood pressure.

Due to low androgenic effect Primobolan practically does not cause baldness. Most often methenolone cause side effects such as: aggression, anxiety, insomnia, and the rise of liver enzymes in the event that used high doses.

Thus Primobolan can be considered one of the safest anabolic steroids available on the market at present.

Primobolan course

    • Primobolan The course is best suited during the drying cycle to preserve muscle and obtaining relief.
    • Soft drug action requires a longer course (up to 8 weeks), however, with increasing duration Primobolan course, increases the risk of side effects.
    • Dosage Primobolan yelling – 50-100 mg per day. After 2-3 days after the deadline begins post-cycle therapy.
    • Dosage Primobolan Depot – 400 mg 1 time per week. 3 weeks after the last injection therapy begins aftertreatment.
    • Before starting the course you want to consult a doctor to rule out contraindications.

Combined courses

Given the rather weak anabolic effect methenolone (its ability to increase weight slightly less than nandrolone), it is often combined with other drugs. Well Primobolan is combined with:

    • Nandrolone – for a set of muscle mass (one of the safest course, with good conservation of mass)
    • Testosterone – for a set of muscle mass
    • Sustanon – for a set of muscle mass
    • Anadrol – for a set of muscle mass
    • Methandrostenolone – for a set of muscle mass
    • Winstrol – drying

Do not include a combined rate of more than one drug. Use both steroid half-doses (recommended) – this will reduce the incidence of side effects of each drug and to increase the effectiveness of the course.

PRIMOPRIME is a mild steroid that keeps your body lean and hard. You’ll have mild gains but you’ll keep them all. PRIMOPRIME is one of Eminence’s most expensive steroids but its worth spending a bit more if you’re looking for a product that’s very easy on your body.

PRIMOPRIME is a synthetic anabolic steroid with very little androgenic properties. It has been widely used by bodybuilders to build up muscle mass and strength. The drug is slow acting and the weight gain is gradual. Most users of this product indicate that the muscle mass build up takes anywhere from 6-8 weeks to develop. It is a preferred drug for the off season. It actions are similar to Eminence DECAPRIME, but needs to be administered at much higher doses. The drug is not as potent as other anabolic steroids in suppressing the synthesis of endogenous testosterone from the tests and hence the androgenic effects are much less. When it interacts with the aromatase enzyme it does not form any estrogens. It is used by people who are very susceptible to estrogenic side effects.