

Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Substance: Nandrolone Decanoate
Package: 100 mg/amp. (10 amp.)


Description: Nandrolone decanoate – a great tool for a set of mass and increase strength. Even small doses of the drug promotes water retention in the body better than testosterone. And in the “dry” courses and in preparing to compete this steroid is absolutely useless. Nandrolone decanoate applies so-called “long-drugs”, the minimum term course of steroids is 6 weeks.

It is worth noting that the use of this drug has a beneficial effect on the state of the joints and ligaments. Also taking this steroid athletes are not subject to side effects such as hypertrophy of the prostate, hair loss, acne. Nandrolone is not subjected to the action of aromatase, but still convert to estrogen, though in very small amounts to five times lower than testosterone. Nandrolone decanoate – progestin therefore raises prolactin levels. Prolactin Indicators are controlled by prolactin inhibitors, such as Cabergoline (Dostinex, Bergloak, Agalates). On the basis of a long period poluvydeleniya nandrolone decanoate, it is recommended to put the injection of the drug 1-2 times a week.

Reviews of Nandrolone Decanoate

Reviews of the drug is, very good, because they do not require frequent injections, a low percentage of the phenomenon as a side effect, as well as obtaining the best results. Athletes celebrate growth of muscle mass, strength and endurance performance. Workouts become more intense and prolonged.

Before you order Nandrolone decanoate, you should consult a specialist mo and ensure there are no contraindications.

Side effects Nandrolone decanoate

The manifestation of the negative consequences can be only in case of violation of the recommendations. Due to its low androgenic activity, are not peculiar to pharma acne, increased hair growth and hair loss. Also there is no accumulation of fluid and gynecomastia. Excess dosage leads to the brain and spinal pain, vultures, rhinitis, decreased production of natural Testron, increase the percentage of fat.

The course lasts about 8-10 weeks, but depending on individual characteristics and purposes, can be longer. Injections are made once a week, at a dosage of 200 mg. The maximum dose may reach 600 mg per week.

Deca-Durabolin is the Organon brand name for nandrolone decanoate. World wide Deca is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It’s popularity is likely due to the fact that Deca exhibits significant anabolic effects with minimal androgenic side effects.

Considered by many the best overall steroid for a man to use (side effects vs. results) Deca-Durabolin is most commonly injected once per week at a dosage of 200-400mg. With this amount, estrogen conversion is slight so gyno is no problem. Also uncommon are problems with liver enzymes, blood pressure or cholesterol levels. At higher dosages, side effects may become increasingly more frequent, but this is still a very well tolerated drug. It should also be noted that in HIV studies, Deca has been shown not only to be effective at safely bringing up the lean bodyweight of patient but also to be beneficial to the immune system.

For bodybuilding, Deca-Durabolin can effectively be incorporated in both mass and cutting cycles it stacks good with sustanon, dianabol, anadrol… One major drawback to Deca is that it can be detected in a drug screen for as long as a year after use. Unfortunately for many competitive athletes, this makes Deca and other nandrolone products off limits. Deca is also a comparatively expensive anabolic. Black market, 200mg of Deca will cost upwards of $20 in most instances. Deca produces very few side effects.